3 December 2009


Happiness. It's a funny old thing. Often people get so caught up in the monotamy of routine and daily life, they forget what happiness really means to them. I read a delightful thing earlier, about what happiness means, and it got me thinking.

So, this is what happiness means to me;

 Spending time with loved ones; treasured memories; inside jokes; laughing until you cry; reading a good book; getting lots of writing done; long walks; snow days; sunny days; hot showers; receiving letters; listening to my favourite songs; spending forever browsing in bookshops; feeling like you really connect with someone; cuddles; hot chocolate with whipped cream; picnics in the summer; creating something; playing with my doggy; my google reader; getting butterflies in my tummy; magazines; pampering sessions; lazy days; waking up and realising you still have hours to sleep; cute text messages; affirmations; stationery shopping; pandas; making a positive difference in other peoples lives; holding hands; learning from those older and younger than me; falling in love; cupcakes.

What does happiness mean to you?
Tell me!

Lots of love..

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