1 January 2010

Another Year Over.. & A New One Just Begun.

So, 2009 has come to an end, frostings. How did it go for you? What did you achieve? What made it fabulous?
I hope you all had a magical christmas and a fantastic new year, frostings!
2009 wasn't a perfect year for me, but I met some great friends and made some unforgettable memories.
Now, I'm all about 2010. It's going to be incredible frostings, I can already tell.

Here are my goals for next year;

1. Be settled in a permanent part time job.

2. Be a successful freelance writer.

3. Work hard on and expand my lovely blog.

4. Pass my maths exam, finally.

5. Read more books and watch less television.

6. Redefine my style.

7. Make three new good friends.

8. Have a personal date each week.

9. Take part in a bungee jump for a cancer charity.

10. Be completely commited to vegetarianism.

So, that's what I've got in my mind for next year. What about you? What are your hopes and desires for two thousand and zen?
I'm so commited to making next year amazing and I can't wait to share it with you all!
Normal posting will resume next week frostings!

Lots of love..

1 comment:

  1. what beautiful hopes and desires kat! completely inspiring. i truly hope that all of them are fulfilled and i am convinced that 2010 will be truly majestic for you.

    my hopes and desires for 2010 can be found here: http://sincerelyycm.blogspot.com/2010/01/2010-to-do-list.html

    sincerely, M
