14 October 2009

10 Things To Do With Your Best Friends.

photo credit to ginnerobot.

1. Have a picnic.
All you need is some food and drink, a nice location such as a local park, a blanket and some music if you so prefer. I can definately vouch for this as one as my favourite things to do with my friends. If the weather isn't up to scratch, have an indoor picnic in your living room, you could even build a makeshift fort!

2. Go ice skating.
Whether you glide around the ice like a pro or fall on your butt a million times, it's sure to be a fun day out, and moderately inexpensive. Coupled with hot chocolates afterwards, providing the perfect opportuntity to warm up and have a gossip.

3. Go to a comedy show.
It makes a change to the normal night out, and everyone knows the old adage that laughter is the best medicine. Personally I think it's a far better way to spend the night rather than being held up in some dark nightclub void of conversation.

4. Do a bungee jump / other equally scary activity.
Although probably not the easiest nor least expensive thing on the list, it's definately sure to reaffirm your friendship if you go through this together, and is definately a story to tell afterwards. Also, if you get people to sponsor you, you can give money to charity too, evoking a feeling of smugness in you and helping a good cause too!

5. Go see a band you've never heard of.
You just might discover a new favourite band, or you may marvel at just how awful they are. A bonding experience either way.

6. Explore a nearby town or city.
Avoid the typical touristy spots and you might just find an amazing new favourite restaurant, shop, or place to go. Me and a friend did this, and found the most fantastically british place that served tea and scones to amazingly dressed ladies wearing top to toe pink and pearls.

7. Visit the beach.
Get a tan, build sandcastles, set up a tent or even get out there and try surfing or jump on a boat, and of course, get some fish and chips and visit the amuseument arcades. Bliss!

8. Bake something.
Cupcakes, cakes, buns.. anything. You might just discover an amazing new talent, and from my experience, even simply not burning things is an accomplishment to feel good about!

9. Have a DIY spa day.
Face masks, hair treatments, ice cream and chocolate are the main components I'd say, along with the mandatory manicures and gossiping galore. Even better if you sneak away from the world and take the afternoon work/college etc, everyone needs a break now and then!

10. Go for lunch and people watch.
Order delicious food and drink, sit by the window and make up stories about the people that pass by. That man in the business suit? He's a secret agent with inside knowledge on alien invasions. That tired young mum? She's having a love affair with George Clooney. You get the idea.

What are your favourite things to do with your friends?
Let me know!

Lots of love..

13 October 2009

Quote Of The Week.

Finish every day and be done with it. You have done what you could; some blunders and absurdities crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; you shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Lots of love..

11 October 2009

Weekly Goals.

photo credit to one pretty thing.

Well, what a week it has been!
Next week looks set to be a little more relaxed, with the exception of essay deadlines.
My goals this week are mainly based around college and work, how enthralling!

1. Hand in all college work on time!

Exciting, I know, but it's neccesary if I want to avoid naggings from tutors and my week off being taken over by essays.

2. Go out to eat with one of my oldest friends.
This shouldn't be a goal, but it's so difficult to achieve. We lead seperate lives these days and everytime we organise something, life gets in the way! This week shall be different though.

3. Write good content filled posts.
Self explanatory really!

4. Drink more water and eat less junk.
Perhaps it was due to how busy I've been this week, but my healthy eating went off track and I've been surviving on delicious but exceedingly unhealthy foods.

5. Get prepared for my job interview.
Yay! This means sorting out my outfit, thinking through what I'm going to say, sorting out directions etc. This job will be mine! Cue evil laughter.. ahem.

So, that doesn't seem too unrealistic and is very attainable in my opinion!
What's everyone else hoping to achieve this week?

Lots of love..

5 October 2009

Quote Of The Week

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.
- Audrey Hepburn.

1 October 2009

A Little Introduction.

photo credit to sea shanties.

Welcome to my little home here in the blogging world!
I've been wanting to create a blog for some time now, and I'm looking forward to a new project and hope you like what you read I suppose!
I'll start with an introduction, I'm Kat, an eighteen year old student with a passion for writing and a penchant for words. I adore reading, coffee shops make me happy, family and friends are quite simply the best (channeling Diana Ross there I think!), I absolutely believe shopping is good my soul and I love a good debate on topics I feel passionately about.

Fierce Frosting will encompass all things wonderful, it will advise, amuse, inform and hopefully make you smile and inspire you in some small way!
Fierce Frosting can mean anything you want it to mean really, to me it's a recipe filled with just the right mix of fierceness and attitude mixed with the deliciousness and downright gorgeousness of frosting, of the cupcake variety, obviously.
I'll be updating regularly on all things inspirational and lovely, along with a bit of student advice and musings as I am a student myself, and of course a bit of fashion and glamour thrown in too.
Lots of love..